There's tons of shortcuts like in the second level of the game that are removed. But they had to tinker with all sorts of minor things. It's still fun, and it's great for that DKC fix you need from time to time, but it hardly compares to the original. It's a fun game, and it's still one of my favorite games after all these years, but Rare really ruined the port with their incessent need to tinker with things.

DKC2 is really one of the better Kong games, that isn't too simple (DKC) or too gimmicky (DKC3. Greetings all to my first pathetic attempt at a Speed Run. For example for the trick in Barrel Bayou Bayou du Baril and the sacrifice in Windy Well (the line of three Zingers). Thanks to SnapDragon, his video helps me in my achievment. I'm really proud of some tricks I succeed, like the falling down with Dixie's spin in Kannon's Complain and my team-up trick in Castle Crush. See how it's useful, particularly in Gangplank Galley and Red-Hot Ride.

The warps: Warps are presents in the two first world of the game. See it in my video in levels like Squawks's Shaft, Bramble Scramble and Parrot Chute Panic. The sacrifice: Sacrifying a character can save a lot of time. Use the character you're the most at ease with in the different levels. In water, I favor Diddy and in Windy Well, Dixie looks smaller to me. Personally, I think that Diddy runs faster than his girlfriend. The flying technique of Dixie is also a big factor to make a good time (for example, in Jungle Jinx, in Krockhead Klamber and Gusty Glade ). Choose you character : Remember that Diddy climbs faster than Dixie (Chain Link Chamber ) and the throwing techniques are different for the two monkeys: Diddy throws faster but Dixie is protected when she's below the enemy (see my selection in Kleever's Kiln ). Here some tips for the ones who wants to run that game. I saved my game at different points so it's useful to localize yourself during your eventual game of DKC2. Because of that, I think that 1:30 is possible. In Rambi Rumble Rambi Chambarde, making the rush trick is possible and I don't do it in my video. I made many 1:33 (you can see two of them on the File Select Screen) to finally beat the record with 1:31.īy memory I died once, in mudhole marsh and make some time losses here and there. I was so impressed that I decided to continue playing the game to improve my time. After that, I found the 1:33 of SnapDragon on SDA. When I started to make a fast run on that game, it was to beat my friend's time, 2:05.